Today there are quite a lot of talks about 5G, some opinions are rather controversial. However, it is quite easy to understand why it is happening so. 5G is a new standard for mobile connection and it is still has a rather limited area of coverage. But we are well prepared and we already know what we can answer to the question about how to boost 5G signal. If you are one of those who already have access to the 5G network signal but you are not satisfied with its quality, probably buying a 5G signal booster can be an excellent idea or not? (Keep reading the text and you will find it out).
Nevertheless, let’s have a closer look at the situation with 5G and start with some theoretical knowledge about what it is and what makes it different from other networks. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about 5G. And then we will explain what device can increase the power and stability of your signal at home or in the office.
5G: What is it?
The mysterious name “5G” is nothing more than just an abbreviation of the Fifth Generation. It is the fifth generation of mobile networks. As you probably know, the network of the first generation entered the game in the 1980s.
The 1G signal allowed mobile users to enjoy voice services only.
However, the 2G network improved the situation and with its introduction people got the possibility to send text messages as well.
3G can be viewed as the most revolutionary upgrade as it brought mobile internet data exchange. It means that when it became available, people could not only make calls and send short messages but also send photos, videos, emails and use a great variety of online services.
With 4G, live streaming, video calls and other innovative options became available. But what can the fifth generation of the mobile networks offer us?
It is said to significantly enhance the mobile internet use cases. And they may vary from the Internet of Things industry to smart homes. This technology promises to provide the fastest internet connection and data exchange that are among the top factors that influence user experience.
Benefits of the new mobile standard:
- Faster data exchange. If compared with the first version of the 4G LTE network, 5G will offer a 100x faster speed.
- Lower time needed for efficient interaction between a device and a cell time. It is also known as latency. Compared to the current version of 4G standards, 5G latency is 5 times lower. Especially, it is important when it comes to IoT devices, VR tools and connected vehicles.
- Bandwidth slicing. As 5G is expected to bring benefits not only to mobile phone users but also to owners of autonomous vehicles, IoT devices, etc., carriers can allocate (book) bandwidth of cell towers for different types of devices that may get connected.
In other words, we can say that 5G is expected to bring mobile internet standards to a completely new level.
What helps 5G stand out from the row?
The key characteristic that makes 5G so special for common users is the speed of data exchange. Though 4G is also known to offer excellent mobile connection and fast speeds, the mobile internet space is overcrowded with smartphone users (and every year the number of active mobile phone owners is growing).
Let’s imagine that you want to download a big video file, a mobile for example. If you use the best 4G signal that is currently available, it may take up to 10-15 minutes. With 5G it will be done just in a few seconds, if not less.
How does 5G work?
5G is supposed to work on several technologies. Among them, we should mention small cells, beamforming, millimeter waves, full-duplex and massive MIMO that presupposes the use of numerous transmitters and receivers.
To ensure a fast and stable connection, 5G, which is a radio frequency network, will operate at very high frequency bands (it will be achieved thanks to the applied millimeter waves).
To make it easier for the radio frequencies to stay available amid the rainy weather, to penetrate various building materials and not to be interrupted by plants and other options on their way, small cells are applied. They are something like very little cell towers that disseminate the signal. You will be able to install them where you want to have a stronger signal. They can be simply moved from one location to another and, what is also important, they do not consume a lot of energy.
Is 4G worse than 5G?
It is difficult to find the only correct answer to this question. In any case, though 4G used to be an innovative technology, 5G is the next generation of mobile networks. That’s why 5G is a more advanced option which also may have a wider range of use cases.
Though 4G speeds are lower, they still can ensure an excellent user experience.
When will 5G be available in the UK?
The UK authorities approved the 5G standard in the country in 2018.
EE was a pioneer in launching 5G in the country. It happened on May 30, 2019. A little more than a month later, at the beginning of July, Vodafone introduced its 5G services. Then O2 and BT Mobile joined this row and their 5G went life in October 2019. In January 2020, Sky Mobile also followed the example of its rivals.
It is expected that by the end of 2020, all the major operators will launch 5G services.
Are Verizon's or AT&T's 5G services real or are they just marketing hype?
Verizon has already launched its 5G services in the United States. And it is actively working on offering 5G experience to users in the UK as well. Verizon has already opened a 5G Lab in London. It allows companies to develop and try out their 5G apps.
AT&T has also rolled out its 5G services in the USA already. In 2020, AT&T keeps building its 5G network. In the UK, currently, AT&T 5G signal is not available.
5G and 5G-ish: what is the difference?
5G is a full-scale technology that provides all the benefits that are expected from it. The “5G-ish” term is used to describe the tech that offers just the earliest (smallest) advantages of the network. For example, if the 5G is expected to offer the data exchange speeds of 1-20 Gbps, 5G-ish technologies are able to reach the speeds of 1 Gbps. And it will be the peak result for them.
Are 5G-compatible cell phones already available?
Actually, they are. The manufacturers started to test their devices in 2018. In 2019 there appeared the first 5G Android devices. Already now you can buy, for example, the Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus or OnePlus 8 Pro to enjoy the 5G connection.
Apple is going to introduce its 5G iPhones in 2020.
5G frequency bands: What are they?
5G network is divided between 2 use cases. The first one is mobile use and the second one is fixed wireless solutions for home.
In the case of mobile use, 5G is transmitted at sub-600 Mhz bands. In the second case, 28 GHz, 37 GHZ, and 39 GHz frequencies are reserved for licensed bands. For unlicensed bands, frequencies from 64 to 71 GHz are approved.
What will happen to 4G LTE?
4G is definitely here to stay even despite the expansion of 5G as its full deployment is expected to take years even in urban areas, not to mention total ones.
It is said that at least till 2025-2028 the 4G network will still remain the dominant one in the UK.
Moreover, as you probably know in many countries 3G and 4G networks efficiently co-exist today. The same situation may happen to 4G and 5G. One of the possible scenarios presupposes that 4G will stay with us for at least one or two decades more.
What is 5G E?
You need to know that 5G E is not a real 5G, actually. The term “5G Evolution” (or 5G E) was introduced by the U.S. cellular carrier AT&T. Though it may seem that this network has a cool name and is innovative itself, in reality, it is still 4G. AT&T subscribers started reporting about that their phones showed the new name for the network at the beginning of 2019 before their carrier launched the real 5G network. And in general, this move is just a marketing tactic. Originally, AT&T announced its 5G E in 2017. But it is not a new technical standard. Though the company added some new tech features to the network, for users and their experience it means practically nothing.
What about weak 5G or 5G E signal?
As in the case of any other mobile network, issues with 5G (or 5G E) signal are possible. However, you should be careful. Even in you have already bought a 5G plan from your mobile operator and now want to boost 5G signal, it is highly possible that you still have 5G E but not a real 5G.
And if you have 5G E signal problems, a 5G cell phone signal booster may not be an appropriate device. As we have mentioned above, 5G E is still the 4G network. That’s why in such a case you should look for a 4G booster.
Moreover, it is important to know that the process of the development of a 5G signal booster for home may take years. The network uses the frequencies that haven’t been used by mobile operators earlier. That’s why the process of creation of a 5G cell signal booster is expected to be a rather time-consuming one.
As soon as it was revealed that carriers in the UK began to launch their 5G networks, we started to receive questions of our customers who wanted to know whether they could already buy 5G repeaters. But the issue is that there are not many people today who have mobile phones that support 5G (unfortunately, quite often people forget that their devices just do not have such an ability). For many years from now, we will have mobile phones that will still be able to support 4G LTE (even if the support of the fifth generation network will be added as well).
It means that with a good 4G booster it will be possible to have a stable mobile connection without any interruptions and other issues.
That’s why instead of looking for a reliable 5G mobile signal booster, you can buy a repeater for 4G LTE and enjoy an excellent connection. And then in 5-7 years when the 5G network will become more stable and mature, it will make sense to buy a new 5G booster.
If you want to know more about 5G signal, the benefits of this network as well as about the ways to enjoy an amazing mobile internet connection already now, just contact us and we will reveal all the secrets that we know.
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