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We've found an efficient tool to stop O2 signal problems!

We've found an efficient tool to stop O2 signal problems!

Not so long ago my company moved to a new office. The business had grown, I hired a few new employees and we needed more space. I was offered a huge office located on the upper floor of a skyscraper situated just in the center of the city. We had a splendid view, enough room for every specialist… What could be better? At that time, I didn’t take notice of the fact that O2 mobile signal was quite weak in our new office. But as we started to work everyone complained about O2 poor coverage which prevented people from working effectively. The problem was that on the upper floors the signal failed to reach us.

Surely, not all specialists in my office use O2 network. Nevertheless, personally I as well as the majority of people with whom I work prefer O2 operator. It is reliable and trustworthy. What is more, it proposes the best ratio of price and services. But unfortunately, we all suffered from O2 signal issues and we all understood that it would be impossible to work in such conditions. Some people offered to change the operator, but in my opinion that would have been the most irrational decision. My deputy suggested installing a mobile phone signal booster and I agreed.

So we started to look for proposals. We have chosen Mobile-signal-boosters as they have a wide range of models available and a reasonable pricing policy. One of the problems we faced was the difficulty to choose the most suitable model. Fortunately, the manager explained us every peculiarity we had to pay attention to. Thanks to the manager’s help we have chosen the device and are very pleased with the result we have. The model perfectly improves O2 poor signal around the whole office as the indoor coverage is large enough. What is more, it’s compatible not only with O2 but with other providers as well.

One of the reasons why I have chosen Mobile-signal-boosters is that the company provides the full set for installation. The delivery was very fast, just in three days I received the order. The package contained the booster box itself, antennas, cables and all necessary mounting details. Therefore, I didn’t have to purchase anything else. The whole system is very compact and easy to install as it includes a user’s manual with instructions.

I didn’t hire any specialists to set up the booster as I managed to do it myself. I started with choosing the place for the outside antenna. It was placed outside the window of our office in the direction of the O2 provider’s masts in order to catch any signal of the operator. Next I ran a cable, which was included in the kit, into the office and connected the outside antenna with the booster box. Then I mounted the inside antenna on the ceiling of the office, in the central position so that all the employees could take advantage of the O2 improved signal. When the antenna was installed, I connected it to the booster box as well. Once all the components were joined, I plugged the repeater in and it automatically started to amplify the O2 poor signal.

So just in 5-7 seconds every employee could enjoy strengthened reception in the office. The quality of O2 connection became much better. There were no more constant drops and endless disconnections during business conversations. Now with O2 mobile signal phone booster I am sure that no one will miss any important call. We don’t have to walk around the office in a useless effort to catch more or less stable signal. Even my business partners and clients have noticed the changes, because it goes without saying that due to the mobile signal booster the results of our work became more effective.

In my opinion, mobile repeaters offered by Mobile-signal-boosters are the best solution to O2 signal problems. Thanks to quick help of their support team I easily purchased my booster. The managers were very nice and polite. Don’t hesitate to visit their website and choose your amplifier!

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