If we speak about mobile internet today, it's worth admitting that we are quite demanding. Even a decade ago a lot of today's active users couldn't imagine that one day we would have an amazing possibility to stay connected to the global net regardless of our location. Thanks to our advanced smartphones and data exchange services provided by our carriers the whole world is in our pocket.
The longer we use these blessings of civilization, the more accustomed to them we get. That's why even a simple decrease in speed of our connection can drive us crazy, not to mention full absence of a signal. Nevertheless, some problems with our 4G signal may happen. And if they occur quite rarely, probably, you won't even pay any attention to them. But what should you do if you are obliged to suffer from 4G issues on a permanent basis? It's completely a different story.
Nevertheless, today problems of this kind are easily solved, if you have a 4G signal booster. Though it's a rather new type of devices, there is already a great variety of them on the market. To help you better understand what exact model of a 4G cellular signal booster for home or office you need, we are offering you a review of cheap 4G/LTE signal boosters for UK.
In general, all these devices have the same working principle but they may look a little bit different due to a location where they are intended to be installed.
But let us put everything in order.
First of all, it is necessary to understand how they work and what they do. 4G signal boosters represent themselves special devices for strengthening weak 4G signal. These devices are able to catch and receive even those signals that can't be noticed by your smartphone. After the signal is amplified, you get an opportunity to enjoy excellent internet connection and all the benefits that it provides including net browsing, making video calls, using online apps, exchanging files with your friends and co-workers and many other things that we can't imagine our life without.
Each amplifier has three key components that perform the most important functions. As we have already mentioned, the first thing to be done by a repeater is to find and catch a signal. This task is fulfilled by an outdoor antenna that is placed somewhere outside the building (near the window or at the roof).
As soon as the signal is caught, it should be strengthened which is included into the list of tasks for a booster box. When the box finishes its work with the signal and it is strong enough to ensure excellent mobile services, it should be transmitted to your mobile phone. But how is it possible to do? The answer is very simple: an indoor antenna does it.
All these important elements should be connected with each other with the help of coaxial cables. The cables of an approximate length for each booster are included into the standard kit.
By the way, if you are afraid that you won't manage to install such a device on your own, you should leave all your groundless fears aside as, according to statistics, it never takes longer than 15-20 minutes to install a 4G cellular signal booster for home or any other place. All the necessary information about the installment process is provided in a detailed guide that you will receive together with your order.
If you are looking for a cheap 4G signal booster, you shouldn't think that it will be an absolutely weak device. It's not so. Today producers try to do their best to provide the highest quality at the lowest prices.
Moreover, today's amplifiers may differ in accordance with places where you can use them. Though the majority of models are indented to cover inside areas, there are outdoor 4G signal boosters as well. They are absolutely safe in use in the open air and are really very helpful, especially for mobile services users living in rural areas. Each outdoor 4G signal booster has a reliable waterproof protection.
Another important category of devices of this kind is represented by amplifiers for vehicles. It's a great idea to have amazing 4G connection even while driving or sailing, isn't it? That's why we recommend you to check the offerings for cheap 4G signal boosters for cars or boats as well.
The main criterion that you should bear in mind while opting for a good repeater is its coverage area. This parameter shows you whether your signal will be improved within your whole living or working area or not. At the same time do not buy devices that are able to cover an area that is much wider than the one you need. Otherwise, you will pay for the power you do not really need.
If you are looking for an amplifier for your whole family or company, you shouldn't buy different devices for all even if you all use services of different carriers. The main thing that you should make sure is that your carrier transmits 4G signal exactly at the same frequency that your booster will be able to work with. But as a rule, European carriers use standard frequencies.
Quite often there are devices that can operate with different frequencies simultaneously and can improve different types of a signal. But if you don't have any problems with them than a basic 4G signal booster will be enough for you.
And the last tip that we'd like to share. Please, be careful while choosing a merchant to buy an amplifier. You should choose a stable company that cooperates only with reliable producers and offer high quality goods.